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Getting Started

Get started by Downloading our repo or setting up an account.

What you'll need

Start the server

Create a database on your postgres instance and then provide the following environment variables to the iguhealth server

FHIR_DATABASE_NAMEPostgres database name.trueiguhealth
FHIR_DATABASE_HOSTPostgres hosttruelocalhost
FHIR_DATABASE_PORTPostgres porttrue5432
FHIR_DATABASE_PASSWORDPostgres passwordtrue""
FHIR_DATABASE_USERNAMEPostgres usernametruepostgres
FHIR_DATABASE_SSLWhether Postgres connection is SSLfalsefalse
REDIS_HOSTRedis Hosttrue127.0.0.1
REDIS_PORTRedis porttrue6379

RUN API Queries

The server is setup where data is organized according to tenants. Tenants are a logical seperation of data. Data cannot be referenced between tenants or queried. By default server is setup with an initial tenant of system.

Get Server capabilities

Run the following query

curl --request GET --url http://localhost:3000/w/system/api/v1/fhir/r4/metadata

Post Patient

Run the following query

curl --request POST --url http://localhost:3000/w/system/api/v1/fhir/r4/Patient \\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\n  --data '{"resourceType":"Patient", "name": [{"family": "parker", "given": ["John"]}]}'

Search Patient by Name

Run the following query

curl --request GET --url http://localhost:3000/w/system/api/v1/fhir/r4/Patient?name=parker